Monday, November 3, 2008

New Vertical Pan

So I went up Hyalite canyon south of Bozeman today at dusk to shoot some more vertical panoramics. I didn't have much luck... but I love this one. Unfortunately it is a little fuzzy when you get it really big so I need to reshoot it with a bit more light, but I am going back up there tomorrow and will hopefully get many more superb images.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


These are a couple of images I made for my lighting class of glass. I did these in my kitchen by simply surrounding them with white foam core and matte board and lighting the back panel. Then we drank wine out of the glasses. Good times.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

it's been a while

I figured the 1st of the month was a good time to start fresh. I got sick about three weeks ago and so I kind of stopped posting and then I was busy catching up on work I was behind on. I have changed a few things since the last time I posted. My final project for advanced lighting class is now going to consist of photographs of my roommates as fictional characters dressed up in mostly homemade costumes. I should have some examples of this within a week or two, but I am pretty excited about it. I'm working on a few assignments today, so I will post some shots from that later or tomorrow.