Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 13 ~ Tuscany in the rain and Uffizi Gallery

Today we slept in a bit and then left relatively quickly to head out into the countryside again. We headed for the small town of San Miniato where they host a truffle festival every year to celebrate (and sell) the white truffles that the area is famous for. The festival happens every weekend for three weeks, and this was the first weekend. We had all kinds of different foods with truffles in them including cheeses, pastas, breads, meats, and oils; and it was all incredibly delicious. As we drove out into the countryside the rain increased in intensity but came and went all day long. The festival was prepared for this though, and most everything was in tents and under cover so we still had a wonderful time.

Pecorino al Tartufo cheese at San Miniato Truffle festival

Bread ready to sell at the San Miniato Truffle festival

Meat in the market at San Miniato Truffle festival

Tower in San Miniato through the rain-streaked tent

Rain-soaked stone steps

Tower in San Miniato flying the Italian colors

We returned to Florence in the afternoon to visit the Uffizi gallery museum. When we started walking over it was raining slightly, but that quickly increased to a downpour and by the time we arrived we were drenched. We got the museum’s audio guide so we would have more information about what we were looking at and we enjoyed seeing the museum and the art very much. The rain had stopped by the time we left and we returned to Lisie and Fabrizio’s. We tried to go to a wine tasting near their home but it closed early so we went back and enjoyed the fish Fabrizio cooked and some of the cheese, bread, and biscotti we had bought at the festival earlier. Heading to bed now as we have to get up early for another winery tour tomorrow, goodnight!

Sunset view from the Ponte Vecchio, Florence

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